The Solution and Future of Film and Television Media

Master Plan

The financial, social, cultural, and political elements for the global Entertainment Industry are evolving into an entirely new species of business.   This is due to many factors, some of them in our control or our own past doings, other worldwide factors out of our control converge to demand this evolution.  Here are the factors.

In Our Control or of Our Own Past Actions and Consequences

  1. Hollywood is broke
  2. Hollywood is broken
  3. Top Actors Beg for Changes in Finance and Production
  4. Studio Accounting is Criminal Fraud
  5. Abuse of Foreign Investors In the Past:  Germany, Japan, UK, Italy, Russia
  6. Conglomerates Run Studios and Fund Films through Stock Issuance
  7. Foreign Pre-Sales rip off investors
  8. Agency Abusive Intimidation In Deals, Agencies betraying Writers and Actors
  9. Financing from Hedge Funds fed oversized budgets
  10. Laundering of Russian oligarch money through Cyprus to Hollywood
  11. Shadow Banking funding Chinese Productions, ruins profit projections
  12. Apple, FB, Amazon, Hulu, Google Investing In Productions for IP Royalties
  13. Studios reducing production from 20 down to 6-8 films a year


  1. The Push For Diversity:  LGBT, African American, Women
  2. Academy Award, Emmy, Golden Globe Politics
  3. Social Media Frenzies and Power
  4. Internet As Entertainment
  5. P.C. in Film and Television
  6. 8,000 Screenwriters fire their agents
  7. WGA threatens to sue Agencies
  8. WGA demands only Producer-Writers can produce new material

Beyond Our Control Influencing Future Of Entertainment

  1. Internet Of Things
  2. Censorship in China and the USA
  3. Rise and Success of K-Pop vs. Korean Bans
  4. DJ’s and Hackers Rise to Celebrity Status


  1. China Culturally Expanding
  2. P.C. in Film and Television
  3. Appeal of Asian and African American Lead Actors in the Big Screen


  1. USA Politics, Anger, Division, Racism
  2. USA Economic Policy
  3. China Economic Policy
  4. China Cultural Changes
  5. China Expansion in Asia


  1. 5G expansion with Telecoms in the U.S.A., Europe, and Asia
  2. 5G Media promises more interaction and benefits
  3. IoT influencing the entertainment experience
  4. Blockchain helping reduce fraud in film finance and piracy
  5. TeleComs needing Original Content to reward users for higher fees
  6. Exciting innovation in Augmented and Virtual Reality

The 17 years helping orphans in China, Vietnam, and Thailand opened my eyes to the future influence Asians would have in Film, Online Entertainment, and Television. 

The founder of Creativity First Films, Scott Morgan, began casting Asians in lead roles in all productions, being the first to open the door to Asian Actors. His Award-Winning Film “Playing Solitaire” starred a Korean lead, Philippine Co-Lead, Philippine Principle, Chinese Principle role, and won all awards it could.    “The Violent Kind” starred 2 Asian Leads.   “Boxing God” starred the half-Asian lead.  “Club Fiji” starred 2 Asian Leads.   “Cupid’s Bow” starred 2 Asian Leads and 4 Asian Principle roles.   

In his travels way back in the 1990’s to early 2000’s,, Morgan saw the fast expansion and building of China top quality THX cinemas replacing lousy art-house film theaters.   And their version of television, watched on Smart Phones, Computers, or Tablets was called Streaming Media.  Due to censorship, and a lack of laying the cable in the ground for quality cable television, Streaming Media is how most Asians watched International Entertainment for decades. 

This was what proved to Morgan that China would rise to be the financial source of the future. 

For the first time, a foreign country would have more than just money for Hollywood:  it would open up the greatest fan base and film market in the world and in the history of motion pictures.   With only 6% of their population going to the movies more than once a month, this number still is more than all the citizens of the USA and Canada combined.   China experts expect this number to rise to 10% over the next 3 years.  And while the USA earns approximately $60 billion in Games, China spends $160 billion. 

Morgan first opened his Asian business “Creative Genius Asia” in 2012, preparing for this rise in China Box Office and Financing Power.  Why did he do this?  Not to rush in and rape the China investors.  He spent too many years helping Asian people to even consider abusing their trust.  He instead made the move to counter what he knew would happen:   Hollywood would rip off China with bad deals like they did to all other nations before it.   Countries that fell for Hollywood’s promises of profits and cultural awareness. 

Hollywood dangled the bait for Chinese investors, and they bit.   With $15 billion invested, almost all deals are extremely bad for China and “criminally” good for Hollywood.   In 2017 the truth about how bad these deals were for Chinese investors will come out.   Creativity First Films plans to counter this before the awareness happens.

Creativity First Films will do two things that will change all future deals and the profits China earns when they partner with Hollywood. 

    1. Creativity First Films will offer the Copyrights/IP Rights to China first, before Hollywood
    2. Creativity First Films will reveal the truth about Hollywood malpractice, thereby earning the first-place position as Most Favorable Investment Partner.

Creativity First Films achieves this by:

  1. Knowing more about China’s Culture and History
  2. Caring more about China’s Success in Entertainment
  3. Being the ONLY partner that already owns all Copyrights, ending “Blind Deals”
  4. Originating the deal in Asia, avoiding USA taxation losses
  5. Cutting Out The Middleman
  6. Avoiding Agency Rip Off Systems
  7. Putting Up First Money Invested in Projects giving China leverage on deals
  8. Presenting 90% of Projects favorable to China Censorship Rules
  9. Presenting 25% of Projects obviously politically favorable to China
  10. Offering in the original deal the option to re-create the hit film in Chinese
  11. Hiring duo China-USA Directors for two-language films
  12. Giving China Investors their first true leverage in USA television Productions
  13. Seeing the future of enjoying Entertainment and building it into the Projects
  14. Catering specifics to the massive Streaming Media Market
  15. Keeping money paid into our Productions from China in China banks
  16. Originating deals and filming in Asia to avoid Quota Limits
  17. Hiring large numbers of Chinese in Productions
  18. Understanding cultural tastes of Chinese demographics
  19. Not having to be loyal to any Hollywood Studio, Agency, or Production Company
  20. No fraudulent accounting by Hollywood Producers and Studios, no cross-collateralizing profits and losses between productions
  21. Each Film Slate presents one or more film that has Franchise/Sequel potential, and one Television Show.


When we receive your email reply and selected Level of Consulting you seek, SGDA Consulting will send an email explaining your chosen Level and process in more detail. In that email a link for payment will appear. We accept PayPal and secure Stripe Credit Card Payments for the Introduction Level. After that payment, a calendar shows the time for Zoom Consulting Meetings to make sure you are included in all Zoom Presentations. For higher level Consulting, in-depth email and telephone calls begin our Consulting relationship. Due to the higher fee, a bank wire transfer is more secure for both parties.


The difference between consulting from any other common source like one of The Big Four or a crypto website algorithm compared to SGDA Consulting will astound you. In order for you to understand the value of applying and monetizing Interactive and One-on-One Level Consulting, a series of Power Point Presentation Zoom calls will open your mind to the great leap forward. This translates to breakthroughs within your own company as it applies DLT or Metaverse innovations, and more secure understanding of Blockchain and crypto potentials for your investing. There are two phrases from the Sciences that help us decipher the Laws of our reality, social systems like banking, and ability to accelerate our intelligence and adaptation until it dominates competition. The first phrase is actually a method used to solve unknowns: The Unitary Method. By knowing the result of an equation it is easier for you to determine each variable you need for a winning formula for your Brand and investments. SGDA Consulting will present the end results and many factors in the equation hundreds of times over the next year. This is prerequisite for any and all “Dynamics” you engage in your industry, whether it is high-end fashion, legacy wealth management, Blockchain DLT, or cryptocurrency … because this is how you get a head start in the direction of the near and long-term future in this financial sector. The second phrase is “Plasticity of the Mind.” This means using my skills and methods to make it easier to “stretch the boundaries of your understanding and vision” so you realize the impact Crypto-Integrity-Tao’s analysis will have on your investment and on unleashing a much higher potential for Blockchain than you currently are allowed by traditional sources of knowledge. Each Power Point Presentation on its own is more valuable than a month of conflicting analysis on crypto news websites; all together these Zooms will literally make you wiser than any so-called “crypto expert” you meet. With this new Plasticity of the Mind you’ve begun “how to think” instead of “what to think.” And you’ve begun replacing hype with reality based on proven metrics, collateral, Sciences, and global regulations and politics. One of the benefits of this Level is to prove no other source has this level of knowledge, correlating analysis, and upcoming valuable revenue streams. Then, you will be prepared for more in-depth Consulting.


Your company, executives, and goals are unique. Truly effective consulting can’t be gained through the one-size-fits-all approach of the companies charging millions and globally earning billions off your dependency on them. And if you look at what’s happening in Blockchain and cryptocurrency today, not one of the leading consulting sources including all those charts and services predicted where we are now. In contrast, I wrote my books in 2019-2019 and I predicted literally everything unfolding in the crypto news on a weekly basis. From Trudeau freezing crypto, to the collapse to half of Bitcoin’s value I predicted almost to the week in 2021, to threats of hyper-taxation by Yellen, to innovations into what we now call Metaverses – I wrote chapters explaining why and how all this happens, over 1,900 pages of correlating analysis. Glance over the Teaser Chapters to get an idea of how my Consulting combines the basics with unimaginably valuable breakthrough knowledge. Your company goals and investment will be my focus. A coordinated evolution of your knowledge of an investment into Blockchain and cryptocurrency will expand with your company success. Through emails, phone calls, Zooms, and interacting directly with me, you’ll know the future, and therefore know where to innovate and invest. Unlike The Big Four, this Consulting is short-term, you will not be dependent upon me forever in Cloud or huge, growing fees you get locked into once you sign up. By the end of several months you’ll not only know what to do, you’ll see “Products” and proofs delivered by Crypto-Integrity-Tao that result in ROI from many streams of revenue. You won’t follow the hype or trends, you’ll follow your own wisdom and skills, just like you drive a high-performance car expertly on your favorite winding road or Autobahn. You can jump right into this Level without the Introductory Level if all the books and interviews on my website convinces you my analysis is years ahead. Once I learn your objectives and company structure, we determine the extent of my Consulting and the agreeable cost of it. Crypto- Integrity-Tao with its Sustained Global Disruption Advantage can only Consult a limited number of companies this Level – be one of the few that receive it all. Our headquarters will soon be set up in Geneva, Switzerland, chosen because FINMA and the Blockchain leading committees and associations there delivers the most advanced, secure, and logical regulations and taxation for all aspects of Blockchain and cryptocurrencies.


Meeting in person delivers deeper understanding between both parties. This accelerates learning and increases value related to your goals and investments. The companies SGDA Consulting agrees to Consult are not all in the Blockchain or cryptocurrency systems. Many top companies do realize the advantages Blockchain DLT offers in protecting your Brand and ensuring higher profits and less losses in logistics. This is proven in shipping, music, and high- end luxury companies protecting products and guaranteeing ROI and authenticity. SGDA Consulting deduced ways this applies to top-end car manufacturers, energy, telecoms, tourism, Big Pharma, entertainment, asset management, games, apps, and many more proven revenue streams. Crypto-Integrity-Tao has the unique higher analysis that makes its upcoming Sandbox extremely helpful in its partners creating their own Patents and I.P. or products. One-On-One Consulting will include your company in this Sandbox as our innovations appear. These innovations will accelerate hardware, Metaverse use and stability, and many more sectors of society and technology. This Level of Consulting extends up to six months; however, most companies will gain most of what they need to learn in three to four months. Then these clients can continue gaining value while participating in the Sandbox. These clients will also know in advance the value and timing of announcements and releases of Crypto-Integrity-Tao I.P. that influence the entire digital currency and DLT environment, as well as the individual Products and investments our company offers in 2022. And again it is important to mention that the headquarters will be in Switzerland (chosen for many reasons.) There will be very few of these clients so ensure maximum value from your SGDA Consulting