Screen writer & Director Scott
Scott Morgan

Hire a screenwriter that:

  • Has been produced many times
  • Won Best Picture and Best Director Awards in festivals
  • Been interviewed and showcased in The Hollywood Reporter, Deadline, The Observer, Forbes, Newsweek, Hollywood News, and many more
  • Has a dozen interviews on what a fantastic screenwriter for hire he is
  • My writing samples and interviews will prove I am the best script writer, the easiest to work with, and a great value for your investment into your vision and story.

You also want a hire a screenwriter that will offer Zoom meetings during writing.


Morgan's film bio and resume include working with and learning from: Freddie Fields, Barry London of Paramount, John Badham, Robert Zemekis, Joel Silver/Silver Pictures, Dick Donner, Jean-Claude Van Damme, James Burrows, and Options by Warner Brothers, Paramount Pictures, Universal Studios, Tri-Star, CAA, ICM, William Morris, and many more.

Morgan's film bio and resume include working with and learning from: Freddie Fields, Barry London of Paramount, John Badham, Robert Zemekis, Joel Silver/Silver Pictures, Dick Donner, Jean-Claude Van Damme, James Burrows, and Options by Warner Brothers, Paramount Pictures, Universal Studios, Tri-Star, CAA, ICM, William Morris, and many more.

Read my resume. It shows both excellence and my writing for Academy winners, including the famous Nobel family. I successfully wrote their family saga 1910-1925 and CAA instantly got two A-List actors to star in the lead.

(Cost to write a Screenplay, Pilot, Bible, Script)
Scott Morgan and former president Reagan


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Scripted television 1-hour drama-comedy

A 150-year magic spell on an old New Jersey boardwalk hotel lets a father turn 12 years old and be his son’s best friend for the summer. Amazing family bonding premise with strong A.I. and Game integration.

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Big-budget action-fantasy feature film

A loser street magician working Hollywood Blvd. inherits the glasses of the galactic grand wizard, and must go to Las Vegas for the throne, but faces a dangerous evil female wizard and has to go supernatural battle with her – which all the tourists think is a gimmick thrown by the city of Las Vegas.  Strong A.I. and Game integration.

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Low-budget horror feature film

A biology-scientist in Singapore discovers how to transplant retinal nerves to cure his son’s blindness, only to find out that this makes the mind break through the walls of reality in our dimension and he has to turn terrifying creatures into a defense to cure his son in time.  Strong A.I. and Game integration.

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True-live feature film story

This fantastic story of how a dozen orphans in Cabo, Mexico win the $250,000 prize for the biggest marlin due to the help of a recovering alcoholic fisherman in a run-down boat, and all this happens only 7 weeks after Hurricane Rita destroyed the piers and city.

Pictures of me as Writer-Director of Club Fiji Sitcom Pilot, Cupid's Bow Sitcom Pilot, Award-Winning Playing Solitaire, The Violent Kind feature film.

In my meetings at Alibaba Pictures, Hong Kong, The Hollywood Reporter profile of me, and at the Nobel Museum before my Keynote Speaker role.


Filmmaking Meets Its Moment as a Phoenix

Screenwriting is the ultimate hybrid of Campbell’s “Hero With A Thousand Faces.”   Integral to this is the concept of a person, society, or creation rising from the ashes – which is the story of the timeless myth of The Phoenix.  To hire a screenwriter puts the eternal potential to lift yourself and others up in your hands.  As your screenwriter for hire for a screenplay, Pilot, Bible, or Pitch Deck… knowing what the soaring bird was before the pyrrhic fire that consumes it is essential to your screenplay and also to you as an artistic storyteller entering the film or television arenas.

Films integrate so many arts the sheer creative energy turns it into the Phoenix of our age.  As we proceed, the nexus of Big Tech, government, social media, and this written art form offer us a gift: see it as a map, a tool, a hammer, wings, and a mind fed by a heart pumping the circulatory system giving film a new life.

Fretting over the encroachment of Artificial Intelligence casts a shadow on Hollywood that is now such a weak version of its glorious past.    The world embraced the Hollywood style of films over all other film sources including France, Germany, and Russia, which all were years ahead of us when filmmaking began.  People in every country wanted to watch how Hollywood inspired them to be their own heroes, and to give them hope of a better and more moral life.  Hollywood presented in screenplay writing the process of becoming what Kant called the “ubermensche” – the higher moral and powerful self that hovers above every person.

“Hollywood” is a Dynamic, which means that the systems – agencies, law firms, studios, distributors, financiers, and artists – all had to work together to deliver such enjoyable and powerful entertainment.  You could view it as having no flexibility and at the same time limitless options.   The first gatekeepers that could pass up the ladder of approval your screenplay look at the formatting and pacing of the screenplay first and will quickly dismiss it because it makes their jobs easier. In fact, they are not looking for the next brilliant screenplay or most original and inspiring story: they are looking for reasons to reject it in part out of fear, and then out of simply not really knowing much about what makes an immortal screenplay or what is involved in the production of a hit movie or series.  There was a time when the gatekeepers actually knew both how to recognize and nurture a spec screenplay they knew the steps of funding, production, and distribution.  Alas, those days are long gone, and it is a shame because my first agents mentored me relentlessly and made each screenplay or Pilot better until I simply cannot write anything but an A-List script.  Working with me as your screenwriter for hire you will learn what my mentors taught me. You will learn the process of filmmaking from your concept all the way through negotiations, production, and distribution.

The Dynamic could not adapt to the extreme changes brought by Big Tech.  But this did not happen without precursors.   Studios made their first big mistake when they replaced scripted television with reality shows that have no value in syndication and re-runs, which earned the studios and networks billions, and the systems were lorded by Freemantle Media.  

Amazon bought Sony and now doesn’t honor the craft of acting, as seen in “Road House.”  The next step for Amazon is the bankrupting of theaters.  

Yet, not even Amazon can prevent the rise of the Phoenix we know as Hollywood-style filmmaking and entertainment any more than A.I. can replace screenwriting.   In fact, the most recent reports show that screenwriting for A.I. is “derivative” in a genetic sense.  In other words, A.I. creates a screenplay and learns from it, inserting what it learned from its own writing into the next script and next ones.  This is turning out to be very much like in-breeding and how it results in deformed offspring and fatal heredity diseases.   If the second derivative screenplay distorts the human spirit 3%, the next one begins with that 3% flaw and the “genetics of story telling” mutates toward the bad dominant gene that A.I. just wrote into the script. Soon, the screenplays will be presenting a more deformed and unrelatable human condition, families, heroes, and reflections of morality, hope, and redemption.  

One of the sparks to the fire to resurrect the Phoenix of Hollywood comes from you when you hire me.   Your mind is not linked to any A.I. template and so your story flows truly through humanity and you as an individual.   I complete your vision for what inspires us and what gives our lives meaning on a level that machines will fail at worse and worse. 

I hope this inspires you and look forward to learning your story.

Special thank you for my colleagues

Freddie Fields
Barry London
Thanks so much, I really need this help and for this to work.  I always appreciate the time and skill you put into my website.
Jean-Claude Van Damme
John Badham


When we receive your email reply and selected Level of Consulting you seek, SGDA Consulting will send an email explaining your chosen Level and process in more detail. In that email a link for payment will appear. We accept PayPal and secure Stripe Credit Card Payments for the Introduction Level. After that payment, a calendar shows the time for Zoom Consulting Meetings to make sure you are included in all Zoom Presentations. For higher level Consulting, in-depth email and telephone calls begin our Consulting relationship. Due to the higher fee, a bank wire transfer is more secure for both parties.


The difference between consulting from any other common source like one of The Big Four or a crypto website algorithm compared to SGDA Consulting will astound you. In order for you to understand the value of applying and monetizing Interactive and One-on-One Level Consulting, a series of Power Point Presentation Zoom calls will open your mind to the great leap forward. This translates to breakthroughs within your own company as it applies DLT or Metaverse innovations, and more secure understanding of Blockchain and crypto potentials for your investing. There are two phrases from the Sciences that help us decipher the Laws of our reality, social systems like banking, and ability to accelerate our intelligence and adaptation until it dominates competition. The first phrase is actually a method used to solve unknowns: The Unitary Method. By knowing the result of an equation it is easier for you to determine each variable you need for a winning formula for your Brand and investments. SGDA Consulting will present the end results and many factors in the equation hundreds of times over the next year. This is prerequisite for any and all “Dynamics” you engage in your industry, whether it is high-end fashion, legacy wealth management, Blockchain DLT, or cryptocurrency … because this is how you get a head start in the direction of the near and long-term future in this financial sector. The second phrase is “Plasticity of the Mind.” This means using my skills and methods to make it easier to “stretch the boundaries of your understanding and vision” so you realize the impact Crypto-Integrity-Tao’s analysis will have on your investment and on unleashing a much higher potential for Blockchain than you currently are allowed by traditional sources of knowledge. Each Power Point Presentation on its own is more valuable than a month of conflicting analysis on crypto news websites; all together these Zooms will literally make you wiser than any so-called “crypto expert” you meet. With this new Plasticity of the Mind you’ve begun “how to think” instead of “what to think.” And you’ve begun replacing hype with reality based on proven metrics, collateral, Sciences, and global regulations and politics. One of the benefits of this Level is to prove no other source has this level of knowledge, correlating analysis, and upcoming valuable revenue streams. Then, you will be prepared for more in-depth Consulting.


Your company, executives, and goals are unique. Truly effective consulting can’t be gained through the one-size-fits-all approach of the companies charging millions and globally earning billions off your dependency on them. And if you look at what’s happening in Blockchain and cryptocurrency today, not one of the leading consulting sources including all those charts and services predicted where we are now. In contrast, I wrote my books in 2019-2019 and I predicted literally everything unfolding in the crypto news on a weekly basis. From Trudeau freezing crypto, to the collapse to half of Bitcoin’s value I predicted almost to the week in 2021, to threats of hyper-taxation by Yellen, to innovations into what we now call Metaverses – I wrote chapters explaining why and how all this happens, over 1,900 pages of correlating analysis. Glance over the Teaser Chapters to get an idea of how my Consulting combines the basics with unimaginably valuable breakthrough knowledge. Your company goals and investment will be my focus. A coordinated evolution of your knowledge of an investment into Blockchain and cryptocurrency will expand with your company success. Through emails, phone calls, Zooms, and interacting directly with me, you’ll know the future, and therefore know where to innovate and invest. Unlike The Big Four, this Consulting is short-term, you will not be dependent upon me forever in Cloud or huge, growing fees you get locked into once you sign up. By the end of several months you’ll not only know what to do, you’ll see “Products” and proofs delivered by Crypto-Integrity-Tao that result in ROI from many streams of revenue. You won’t follow the hype or trends, you’ll follow your own wisdom and skills, just like you drive a high-performance car expertly on your favorite winding road or Autobahn. You can jump right into this Level without the Introductory Level if all the books and interviews on my website convinces you my analysis is years ahead. Once I learn your objectives and company structure, we determine the extent of my Consulting and the agreeable cost of it. Crypto- Integrity-Tao with its Sustained Global Disruption Advantage can only Consult a limited number of companies this Level – be one of the few that receive it all. Our headquarters will soon be set up in Geneva, Switzerland, chosen because FINMA and the Blockchain leading committees and associations there delivers the most advanced, secure, and logical regulations and taxation for all aspects of Blockchain and cryptocurrencies.


Meeting in person delivers deeper understanding between both parties. This accelerates learning and increases value related to your goals and investments. The companies SGDA Consulting agrees to Consult are not all in the Blockchain or cryptocurrency systems. Many top companies do realize the advantages Blockchain DLT offers in protecting your Brand and ensuring higher profits and less losses in logistics. This is proven in shipping, music, and high- end luxury companies protecting products and guaranteeing ROI and authenticity. SGDA Consulting deduced ways this applies to top-end car manufacturers, energy, telecoms, tourism, Big Pharma, entertainment, asset management, games, apps, and many more proven revenue streams. Crypto-Integrity-Tao has the unique higher analysis that makes its upcoming Sandbox extremely helpful in its partners creating their own Patents and I.P. or products. One-On-One Consulting will include your company in this Sandbox as our innovations appear. These innovations will accelerate hardware, Metaverse use and stability, and many more sectors of society and technology. This Level of Consulting extends up to six months; however, most companies will gain most of what they need to learn in three to four months. Then these clients can continue gaining value while participating in the Sandbox. These clients will also know in advance the value and timing of announcements and releases of Crypto-Integrity-Tao I.P. that influence the entire digital currency and DLT environment, as well as the individual Products and investments our company offers in 2022. And again it is important to mention that the headquarters will be in Switzerland (chosen for many reasons.) There will be very few of these clients so ensure maximum value from your SGDA Consulting